Board of Education
Title I is the largest federal education program for elementary and secondary schools. These funds are targeted to high poverty schools and are used to provide supplementary educational services to students who are educationally disadvantaged or at risk of failing to meet the state standards. Schools have the option to follow a school wide or targeted model.
The main goal is to provide funds to increase student and academic achievement by improving teacher quality and getting more highly qualified teachers and principals into schools. In alignment with Section 1119(a)(3) the Taos Municipal School District strives to ensure that all teachers teaching in the core content areas within the school district are highly qualified.
The purpose of this program is to develop educational programs that will help ensure that immigrant students attain English proficiency, succeed at core academic subjects, and meet the same state academic content and student achievement standards expected of all children.
This program targets rural school districts that serve high number of poor students. Funding from the Rural Low-Income Schools Grant may be used for a wide variety of activities authorized under various Title Programs of the No Child Left Behind Act. RLIS funding may only be used to supplement and not supplant other federal, state, and local funds. The funding at each school site aligns with activities appropriate for moving the school toward the districts goals for increasing student achievement.
Taos Schools supports the language, culture, and identity of its students. District schools offered dual and heritage language bilingual programs K-12. Graduating seniors are eligible to apply for the Seal of Biliteracy to be recognized for their accomplishments in two or more languages. To date, students have been recognized for bilingualism in Spanish, Tiwa, and French.
The Indian Education Program, through grant funding, purchased paid on-line tutoring subscriptions to Imagine Learning MATH for all Native American students attending Taos Municipal Schools. Please contact the appripriate Indian Education staff member for log-in information for your student(s).
Jeanette Vigil - for students attending Enos Garcia or Ranchos Elementary Schools
Sharon Salazar - for students attending Taos Middle School
Martin Roaque - for students attending Taos High School
Rae Lujan - for students attending all other district schools
Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy (SRCL) is a 3-year federal grant towards our commitment to increasing language development and literacy achievement from birth through 12th grade. SRCL initiatives include launching the Taos District Literacy Connection Team and providing instructional coaches in our schools.
For more information visit:
US Department of Education SRCL
New Mexico Public Education Department SRCL
Taos Municipal Schools' teachers have identified their subject's most critical standards for your child's learning during semester 2. These standards will provide the highest impact of learning during remote instruction.
Attendance Is Very Important For Your Childs Development
Why Attendance Matters?
The attendance rate is important because students are more likely to succeed in academics when they attend school consistently