UNM 2024 Fall Courses

UNM Taos has their fall schedule published.  Click button below for a list of all the fall 2024 courses.  If your student would like to take a course at UNM Taos, please complete the application and turn it into the counseling office.  If they have questions, please have them see Ms. Matz in the counseling office.  Please return the applications as soon as possible, courses fill fast.  

Taos High School 2023-2024 Agenda

This handbook provides information, rules, procedures and guidance for Taos High School students, parents, and guardians.

THS Daily Schedule

23-24 Taos High School Daily Schedule

THS Counseling

Get all information regarding counseling.

THS Course Information Guide

Course Information Guide & Programs of Study

Taos Wifi And Hotspots For Students

View the list to find the nearest wifi area nearest you!

Mental health wellness resources

Substance Abuse/Mental Health/Suicide Helpline